Hello! Today a long post to share my last hobby/gaming moments which are revolve around the famous Dungeon crawler, Heroquest. Hasbro reedition is fairly good and I was charmed by the plastic furnitures. So, coupled with my fantasy miniatures collection, I saw an easy way to introduce my kids to miniatures games with a bit of retro fantasy role playing game.
Kids and wife have a very low fantasy rpg/wargame culture and my main objective is to present them a dungeon crawler with an easy board game rules system and a touch of rpg create o good ambiance . Heroquest is a very good tool to achived this task.

Role playing Game : The point is to let my gaming group discovered the way to play a cooperative game and introduce a new concept : the Game Master. Meaning, the guy hidden by a screen who represent the game/background/rules/map/monsters/etc... I take the time to give background for evey mission, I also give description of rooms and key actions. To stimulate the rpg description skills of the adventurers, I reward them with bonus die when they provide a good description of death blow, jump over trap, etc... But the rpg style stop here, players haven't the opportunity to refuse a mission or kill a npc, it's a quite linear story.
Necromencer Bastillon |
The board Game : Here, I would like to introduce another new concept to my gaming group : The fog of war. In the same way of the old Dungeons floor plans. To do it, I covered the board game with black pieces of card board. Pieces are maintained in place by Black balsa borders than I sticked on the board. I progressively remove the black pieces function of the adventurer progress. I machined the bottom of the doors with a dremel thus I can stack them on top of the balza borders.
Balsa borders |
Machining with dremel |
HQ board fully covered |
Plastic furnitures : The range of furnitures developped by Hasbro is probably the key factor of my compulsive buying. I completed with a mix of ebay Item and things from my own collection to obtain a full set of material for dungeon crawling.
DM material |
Foam from Feldherr range |
DM set up |
The DM screen : The one supplied in the original box never really inspired me. A rpg screen must provide to the adventurers a good supportfor their imagination, when the GM describe a situation. I took 8 pieces of fantasy art from the early period of J. Blanche. Those had a huge influences on my imagination in the 80's and I hope they will also work on my gaming group. The screen have a technical interest as well regarding the capacity to give precious information to the GM during the game but for HQ this aspect is very low. I used four horizontal A4 sheets.
In game pictures : We play HQ games on sunday afternoon at bi monthly frequency and since the summer period we started to run some games on friday evening. I prepare a final scenario for the end of August in order to prepare the worst moment of the year for kids... The return to school!
In game picture |
Rpg moment! |
LED candles |
I wholeheartedly support this!
RépondreSupprimerHey Tomas, thank you for your support 😃
SupprimerExcellent work! The furniture really does look neat with your painting. Bravo that man.
RépondreSupprimerHasbro make a really good job on those furnitures, very easy to paint.
SupprimerSalut Nico. Superbe, et la petite famille à dû apprécier tes efforts. Visuellemment, cela met carrément dans l'ambiance.De quoi marquer des enfants pour la vie!
RépondreSupprimerHello JY, ils ont compris qu'il est possible de jouer autrement et c'est ça qui compte 😀
SupprimerLooks like they are having a lot of fun, congrats! Which materials did you use to made the DM screen?
RépondreSupprimerHey JRR, I use cardboard and printed paper sheets.
SupprimerExcellente idée ! Toujours pas trouvé le moyen d'initier la mienne au JDR.
RépondreSupprimerAvec les miens j'ai déjà pas mal d'années d'xp en jeux standard. Le jeux de figs c'est juste un up grade 😀😀
SupprimerHeroquest was the first (and essentially) the only miniature fantasy game that R played extensively during his childhood; he is consequently very fond of it and therefore he very much appreciated your initiative. In the last few months R has dusted off his old Heroquest and played a test game with D and G (wife and mother, respectively), actually without much success. Some of your innovations (the "fog of war", the rpg component, for example) could in fact be effective stimuli to imitate...
RépondreSupprimerNeither of us liked too much the new version of Heroquest, which we saw on the web: in our opinion the miniatures have a style too far from the original, and in addition the dear fimirs have been replaced by fishmen (!). Forniture has instead improved. The fact that you took the best of the existing and replaced the miniatures with oldhammer pieces created a truly fascinating mix - I have no doubt the family got involved!
So let us know the conclusion of the campaign at the end of the summer, when the children return to school and the heroes return to enjoy a well-deserved rest in the box ...
Yep Rodor, why they replaced the Fimirs by fishmen... heavy mistake 😀😀 Otherwise, super comment thank you, the mix with Citadel minis is rather natural for me and it work well I'm fairly satisfied of the outcome. The last mission, I work hard on it 😀😃 See you end of the summer
SupprimerFantastic - and some lovely old miniatures in there, like that Dixon ninja and that Fantasy Forge/Grendel gateway!
RépondreSupprimerEagle eye JC 😀😀 Old stuffs but still effecient 😀😀
SupprimerOh, sir, this is so enormously fantastic. I have such fondness of this game that every time I see anyone playing, it makes my day. The obscureness of the tiles is a genius touch! You have my full admiration for all the work and the results!! :)
RépondreSupprimerCheers Suber 😀😀😀
SupprimerSo dang wholesome ❤
RépondreSupprimerThank you 😀😀