Hi! This
post focus on the principals sceneries for the campaign (check the scenarios here). Let’s begin by the
four large cliffs.
I made them with foam
and sculpted the blocks with a cutter (large blade). I applied the classic
recipe for sceneries making : Dry brushing, weathering and flocking. No
particular tip!
Setup of the three battlefields:
Stand fast at the gate !
The centerpiece
of the last scenario is the large gate incrusted in the cliff. This gate is the
first defence of large Stronghold built by an old community of expatriated
Dwarves. Far from the traditions of their ancestors, they adopted the Human Empire
customs, traditions, fashion styles and architecture!
I requisitioned
some parts of the Mighty Fortress and I reinforced them with the traditional and
often forget… hoarding. It was a temporary wooden shed-like construction that
was placed on the exterior of the ramparts of a castle during a siege to allow
the defenders to improve their field of fire along the length of a wall and,
most particularly, directly downwards to the wall base.
This kind
of additional structures aren’t complicated to build, it simply required time
and patience. I build it with card-board (2mm thick) and swizzle sticks! I love
these sticks, stingy material compared to the balsa wood. But less workable, I
Next step, battle reports!
Can't wait!
RépondreSupprimerBest wishes, stay safe,
Thank you WPJJ! Stay safe too :)
SupprimerDes décors de grande classe, les hourds sont vraiment superbes ! très belle photo de la porte finie, on s'y croirait :)
RépondreSupprimerYep, je suis trop heureux d'en avoir fini avec ce morceau :)
SupprimerJe vais attaquer le reste de la forteresse dans la foulée :)
Porte toi bien!
REally stellar and fitting with my own vision of things. Excited to see where this goes.
RépondreSupprimerHi Blue! You gonna love the whole Fortress, for sure!
Crazy cool!
RépondreSupprimerCrazy thank you BaronVonJ
SupprimerFreaking amazing!
RépondreSupprimerHi Thomas! Thanks a lot (^_^)
SupprimerMagnifique! very impressive :)
RépondreSupprimerThank you kym for your frequents comments, you are always welcome! Cheers 🥰👍
SupprimerNico, as ever you provide the good stuff to those of us in need! Inspirational in the very best way
RépondreSupprimerThank you Maurice, post-lockdown we planned to play the last battle located at the foot of the Gates! Keep an eye on the blog, take care. Bye!