• vendredi 3 février 2012

    Skaven project : Final part

    Am really proud to show you my swarmy verminous army of Chaos Rat-men, The Great Horned Rat probably help me to finish this playable 3000pts army in five months (8th ed , 270 miniatures)

    With the Andy army pics in head, I completed my first units with more miniatures (Poison Wind Globs, Gutters Runners, Slaves, Clan Rats, Jezzails) and I started news units like Plague Monks, Giant Rats, Master Moulder , Army Banner and Grey seer. I finally opt to add “moderns” engines to my horde, the dreadly Screaming Bell and the Warp Lightning Cannon.

    A Full army pic was essential to restitute the Skaven mass effect . The Bell and many banners overhanging this dirty, rusty and brownish crowd …  All banners are draw, only two exceptions, those with The Great Horned Rat face… Why? Because, It is too hard to respect the proportions of this black Rat face… Not really enjoy by the pestilent rat face I choose to draw a classic clan rats Banner with two sculpted censers for monks unit.

    A last word, this army consists only with old units and there is a gap in "units hammers" in comparison to the other armies of the 8th... If I participate to a tournament this year, I probably need to paint more Rat Ogres or Warp lightning cannon.  Skaven army is definitively the most "blob" army, stick the most powerful enemies units with slaves and flank with Rat Ogres... My best technic. Warplocks machines are not reliable, generaly they slayne my own troop but when they work it's a nightmare for my opponents. Skaven army is a good alternative for chaos player like me.

    Jes Goodwin Original sketch from Heroes for Wargames (S. Parkinson)

    19 commentaires:

    1. Amazing work. It's like the last 20-odd years haven't happened, and I'm a teenager reading White Dwarf around issue 140.

      I tip my hat to you.

    2. Thank thebovinoverlord,your comment is exactly what I feel when I painted this army.

    3. Wow - absolutely stunning! I hope my Orc, Goblin and Hobgoblin horde look as good when they're finally finished!

    4. Thank Thansants, O&G and Skaven are populous army... A real challenge to finish, but your green horde is already impressive.

    5. Astounding. An impressive feat to paint 270 models to this standard in five months, but also to assemble an army that drips with such classic grooviness is an achievement indeed. Wonderful job.

    6. Great looking army. 5 months is an incredible achievement. And it really is reminiscent of Andy Chambers' force from all those years ago. All you need is the black smoke belching from the nozzles of the warpfire throwers...

    7. Hi Mr Saturday and thank you, so I have a complet set of skaven 3rd ed since many years (Not paint) and last year I have win an ebay action of 130 skaven models on ebay, I collect the rest on the same website....

    8. Hi Hooling... Right, the black smoke vomit by the fire throwers... The last detail.
      And thank for your comment.

    9. I have my own love affair with 3rd ed models, only in my case it's undead, I have the entire 3rd ed range.

    10. 3rd metal undeads are really nice, I love cavalry... My next whfb army is an o&g horde... with J. Blanche inspirations.

    11. BovineOverlord - I know exactly the issue you mean. Great work, Nico!

    12. Awesome work but how did you ever find the dead skaven model?

      I have been looking for that for year.

    13. Hello, with my brother we have the complet Skaven set since 1990/91 (seventy miniatures) but I don't know how he find the dead skaven, probably bought in a local shop...

    14. C'est tout bonnement monstrueux !!! Je retrouve l'atmosphère qui m'a fait plonger dans warhammer à l'époque... Un grand bravo ! Je ne désespère pas de m'atteler un jour à un projet de cet envergure...

    15. Franchement merci, ça fait plaisir de lire tous ces commentaires... J'attaque mon prochain projet .... Une armée orks 6mm... Avant de reprendre du Battle bien vintage. A+ Nico.

    16. Incredible Army, it really does evoke memories of Andy Chamber's skaven army way way back when the first Skaven Army book was released.

    17. Thanck you I m happy to read your comment. It's exactly the effect which I wanted to produce ;)
      bye, Nico.

    18. Amazing. I've long been a fan of Andy Chambers Skaven army, pictures of which are hung above my painting desk for inspiration. Buut one thing I've never managed to recreate were those fantastic bases. Please tell me how you did it?
