• dimanche 1 juillet 2018

    Rogue Trader : The last stand.

    Good morning! Today we talking about the RT cover art, as I writen in my last post this illustration marked my youth. Yep, After painted less then 20 marines in the first step of the BatF project, the idea of a scenic base for them slowly make is way in my mind.

    This is a great challenge to realize these scene and I was very enthusistic during every steps of the creation process... I hope you enjoy the result as much as me :)

    Cover art autopsy
    Before starting, I had to understand the scene! I worked every day with the illustration (WD93 in fact!) on my work space to get all the subtleties of the scene. The last stand illustration is a mix between differents feeling like : Despair, suffering, self sacrifice and bravery. Of course, I don't pretend managed to retranscribe all these feelings in my work but I had them in mind during the cretion process.
    The other important point is to capt all the characters of the scene, I describe them bellow. To finish, the last element who give all the depth of the illustration is the back scene : The dark sky, explosions and the shadows of huges incoming monstruosities.
    A kind of futuristic WorldWar1? The Crimson Fist Marines interpreting the French soldiers in blue clothes and the Ork of Kev Adams as German soldiers. Interresting dont you think ?
    By John Sibbick 1987

    The scenic base 
    The first step was to find a clear box to contain the scene and define the dimensions of the base. To creat the mound, I piled 25mm mdf round bases to creat different levels. Then, I filled the gaps with milliput and shape the mound. The highest point of the scene is in the central place of the base. I hidden the back border bases of the Marines in sort of small craters to accentuate the WW1 battefield spirit.
    My own interpretation of the last stand scene take place in the ruined farm ... So, I used some Fugou KS sceneries to define the corners of the base.

    The charaters
    Ok to make a good scene you need to capt the principal characters of the illustration and try to arrange them in the same situation. Here I created 6 characters with similarites from the original illustration.
    Like the playable Marines, I added lot of bags around the belt of the wounded Soldiers to increase the "poilu" soldier spirit. Bandages and blood add some humanity and fragility to these soldiers, very representative of the first Space Marines (Only T3!)

    Brother Bryan :
    The central character of the scene is the Sergent, I volontary changed the side of these character to avoid the sculpt a Ork head in his fist. And because the Eagle on his shoulder pad is too crappy :) So, I keeped the original Marine Body, I slightly modified his posture. I added some greenstuf around his skinny thighs. And swap his face with a RTB01 Marine helmet.

    Brother Rick :
    I love this model, his posture is perfect to represent the bavery. He standing front of the maelstrom. The scar on his face suppose he's a veteran, enough to hold the banner of the unit. I scratched the original shoulder pads and I sculpted news closer to the illustration. I swapped the sword by a Bolter.

    Brother Aly :
    The original model is a Rhino Marine, I simply changed the posture of the arm with the Bolter, I added a helmet on his head and sculpted a bandage around his arm. The posture is inverted compared to the illustration but I think it nicely representative.

    Brother Jess :
    The original model of this dead Marine  is very closer from the illustration, I simply added a bandage around his wounded arm. Some bags around him. Maybe they contain amo or personal effects...

    Brother John :
    This Plastic Marine need some work to have a nice posture. I described it in my last post, I'm pretty proud of them because they have a very agressive posture.

    Brother Nico :
    Yep it's me :) I'm in a bad situation,I'm wounded, I'm coiled betweens two craters and I understand that I'm living my last battle. I throw my helmet on the ground and I smoke a cigarette before the Reaper take me ... but I will selling my skin dearly!

    This character is almost completly hidden on the illustration. I'm relatively free to use any models in the Citadel range. I decided to use a Christmas Marine, I simply added a bandage around his head and swapped his sword with a Bolter.

    The Unknow Brother :
    This Marines is a classic dead soldier no add on. OK the back pack and the helmet around him :)

    The Back scene :
    I photoshoped the back scene of the illustration. I'm not a great numerical artist so Mr Sibbick please excuse me for the graphic slaughter. You can download it and use it for you own picture (approx. 40x17cm).

    51 commentaires:

    1. Réponses
      1. Thank you WP!! If you want to be Nico ... Be careful to your hair :)

      2. Ha! Mine is on it's way already, we are brothers of the hairline!

    2. Nico you have brought RT to life with that diorama. Absolutely amazing :)

      And I can tell you, hand on heart, that you have shat all over GW's attempted RT dio at WHW.


      1. Thank you PPFK!! I've seen some pics of the last stand dio at Whw ... Not really inspiring... Fortunately the Oldschool scene have some soldiers readdy to make justice for John Sibbick illustration :)

    3. Absolutely amazing!!!! Well done Nico. You have evoked the scene while making it your own version.

      1. Thank you sir !! I'm glad you continu to enjoy my work. you 're one of my best followers man :)

    4. Thank you so much for a wonderful creation, so evocative of the artwork, and all the creative information. This is my favourite blog post anywhere this year!

      1. Thank you Axiom!! This is always a pleasur to read you words here! Your always welcome in my realm!

    5. Most amazing piece of art I can recall about this scene. Truly superb!!

      1. Hey Suber thank you. It's pretty rare to find other interpretation on the internet... Hard project for painters :)

    6. Rogue Trader was my first wargame book purchase. My older brother introduced me to 'minis' and we shared the plastic beakie set. I feel like I grew up with this iconic piece of art (including all the bolt thrower ads in white dwarf). This is amazing on so many levels. I really dig seeing all sorts of marines that have passed through my wants cleverly modified for this piece. Great job.

      1. We have many commun points dude !!Thank you for this nice comment.

    7. wow - fantastic work on a classic scene. My first wargame rules purchase (well, birthday present from my parents after much pestering) and you've really brought it to life!

      1. Thank you Jamie, The classic scene have a special place in our heart!! This is a huge satisfaction for me to achieve this one!

    8. Amazing! So much character, and every mini looks so unique.

    9. C'est absolument génial, qui plus est magnifiquement bien réalisé.
      Un grand bravo !

    10. Noooonnn !! tu l'as fait ! Tu est un malade ! c'est génial !! Quel boulot et surtout quel beau rendu, je crois qu'un jour il faudra que je vienne à un Oldhammer pour voir tes créations de mes yeux, bravo et merci de faire vivre si bien le hobby.

      1. Et siiiiiii :) Tu es evidemment le bienvenu et ça serait un plaiisr de te faire découvrir mes réalisations IRL! A bientôt. Nico

    11. Magnifique! This is possibly the best thing I have ever seen--great work :)

    12. Bravo! Quel magnifique travail!
      Je suis totalement fan de ta composition.
      C’est juste splendide...

      1. Merci à toi Clémentus, il me semble que je ne t'ai jamais croisé ici sur ce blog et pour un premier commentaire ... c'est vraiment un commentaire bien sympa :) Merci et à bientôt. Nico :)

    13. Quand on sait le boulot que c'est de réaliser un diorama, le résultat est simplement... Génial, et bluffant !

      1. Merci beaucoup Venom :) J'ai profité d'un congé de 2 semaines pour réaliser cette pièce. Ca permet de bien rester dans le sujet :) Ma fierté c'est qu'il s'agit à la base d'un socle scénique et que le résultat final c'est un diorama :)

    14. Stunning work Nico. Again proving why you are top of the field!

    15. Wow! This is fantastic, and with such easy conversions. It truly evokes that ultimate Rogue Trader cover art. Thank you for sharing.

    16. C'est absolument superbe! I can't not love any bit of this – the attention to detail is remarkable and your model choice shoes an intimate knowledge of the Rogue Trader range. Your use of the Space Out Marine as an injured one is inspired. You've set the bar really high for retro Crimson Fists.

      1. Thank you Curis, details are my favorit part in my projects :)

    17. Wow... On ne peux qu'être admiratif devant la qualité du travail effectué sur la base d'une illustration aussi emblématique de l'univers W40K. Mais surtout le résultat tout comme ta description du processus rappelle que pour beaucoup de passionnés, peindre est avant tout une manière de raconter des histoires dans un univers qui nous fascine, et pas simplement poser des couleurs sur un bout de métal.

      1. Un petit message qui en dit long sur la mise en peinture de figurines... Je suis très heureux de lires tes lignes merci beaucoup.A bientôt, Nico.

    18. This is awesome! I loved the Rogue Trader days

    19. Dude, love this! I'm a big fan of John's picture and you've done it jusice and then some! Great work.

      1. Thank you very Much Howie. I love this picture and it gave me the Mojo to creat this diorama.
        I appreciate this message thank you :)

      2. You're welcome mate! btw you might like this - there's a link to John's original sketch https://davesgang.blogspot.com/2019/05/mini-nostalgia.html

      3. Hey! Nice to see the original sketch, a bit of RT history :) Thank you for sharing.

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