• vendredi 31 janvier 2025

    Arabian nights

    Hey boys! It's been a while since the last post. Don't worry, I'm still in the running. I just haven't the time to take pictures of my paint job... some Tzeentch goodness :) Today I show you some models from a Kickstarter  for a Skirmish game created by a group of nice guys.

    I painted this warband  in one week during the Christmas break. These are accessible models easy and pleasant to paint. Far from the current nightmare ish crazy details miniatures.

    This painting session reminded me great Magic The Gathering moments. Characterful models from Abbasid's Period versus timeless cards artworks from Arabian Nights expansion, what a lovely era!  I recommend to to paint your miniatures with the 1001 Nights Audio Book in background.

    Best of : 'The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor', 'The Tale of the Three Apples ' and 'The City of Brass'

    The whole warband, 12 miniatures

    An eye for an eye at Bazaar of Baghdad

    The Sorceress Queen and her Bodyguard from, Island of Wak Wak

    The El-Ajjaj and his Familiar from Library of Alexandria

    The Erg Raiders From Diamonds Valley

    The Powerfull Juzam Djinn from the City of Brass

    Transfers from Little Big Men Studio

    dimanche 21 juillet 2024

    Realm of Chaos Campaign : Battle reports

    Hi, two weeks ago with Slaanesh_Child and I, we played the four last battles of the campaign started in February this year. A great campaign finish with tonnes of the craziest models from early period of Citadel miniatures. A bit of the Chaos Wastes land were at home during this weekend, we hope the dark Gods appreciates as much then us.

    I invite you to check this article (link) for the campaign details, everything is home made.

    4th Scenario : Desecrate the Monolith

    Puny Khornate cultists defend their holy Monolith

    Slaanesh disciples attack!

    5th Scenario : Forced march

    Battle for the Doom Stones!

    Slaanesh Ogres and Khorne chariot

    Struggle in the Chaos wastes land. Adrian Smith arttwork 

    6th Scenario : Defend the pass

    Slaanesh General prepare his assault

    Khornate troops have to keep the pass as long as possible

    Keep the smile even when you charged by Chaos warriors and flanked by a
    Chaos General mounted on dragon

    7th Scenario : The final battle

    Slaanshy army picture

    Khornate army picture

    Armies set up

    Few minutes before the clash!

    Kegox, a Dragon and a Bloodthirster involved in the same fight. A scene that can
    be seen anywhere else than in the Chaos wastes lands.

    The battle rages on the mid of the battlefield

    Khornates Ogres leaded by a Ogres Lord vs Keeper of Secrets and his minions

    The second and last Bloodthirster will fall in few minutes and point the defeat
    of the skulls Gods followers

    Conclusion : The 7th battle involved 7000pts on both sides and was the climax of the campaign. This profusion of awesome models on the same table was a constant delight for our eyes. Several years of collection and paint well rewarded. The Prince of Chaos was the great vanquisher of the campaign, glory to him. Slaanesh extended significantly his domain, to the Blood God detriment. This wont stay unpunished for a long time.

    Chaos Battle scene in the Chaos Wastes land. Adrian Smith artwork

    Extra models pictures :

    samedi 20 juillet 2024

    Realm of Chaos Battlefield

    Hi, today a specific post regarding the Chaos wastes, how they was envisaged by theirs creators in late 80’s and how I represented them with my own perception and modern material to build sceneries.

    The best description of the chaos wastes was done in RoC Slaves to Darkness until the day I discovered the manuscript of Realm of Chaos Third tome. This book was never edited, find more info via this link. This tome regroup all the types of sceneries to build an authentic Realm of Chaos battlefield in the Chaos Wastes.

    A short sample you can find in this copy of the manuscript (link) ‘The edges of the waste are not marked by any distinct border that can be crossed. Instead, the waste ebbs and flows as a tide. The seething waste infringes upon the normal landscape around it, eroding, scarring and changing. Tongues of chaos penetrate and intermingle with tracts of stable terrain. One who strays into this zone of confusion can be suddenly overwhelmed or sucked into the waste and just as suddenly spewed forth in another place or another time.’

    Original RoC sceneries

    To build your own Realm of Chaos Battlefield wargaming table, not so much examples existing except pictures in Slaves to Darkness book. Some info regarding these original sceneries via this link. The ex-owner of these RoC stuff came-across the boxe where they were stored the sceneries during the moving of the studio to another place in 92.

    Sceneries are used at the back of the picture

    Wargaming Table 

    Realm of Chaos landscape Tony Ackland artwork
    My personal vision of the Chaos Wastes is based on the John Blanche landscape illustration. An semi-arid land constantly blow by a tempestuous and freezing wind, an hostile land were the danger can come from nowhere.  The battlefield is set up on a mate from Kraken range (Havoc Desert). Three trunks are made with vine stocks, outcrops made with Styrofoam, blood bushes are made with ping pong balls, floating skull base on aquarium scenery and green stuff. To finish, the dying vegetation is made by using a large amount of lichen Black, White, Grey, Bordeaux colors.

    Realm of Chaos landscape John Blanche artwork

    Blood bushes made with ping pong balls

    Dying vegetation made with vine stocks and lychen

    Outcrop rocks made with Styrofoam

    Floating Skull from Tony ackland artwork

    Animals skulls as used in Slaves to Darkness battlefield pictures

    See top right, skull!

    mercredi 15 mai 2024

    Realm of Chaos Campaign : Aux portes du Bastion

    Games day 89, Four Gods demonic
    Legions on the same table
    Several Months ago, I started to work on WHFB scenarios to play with my Old WHFB partner Laurent (aka Slaanesh Child). The aim was to play our Demonic Legions several games and end up by a huge battle. In the same way of Pete Taylor’s demonstration Game during the 89 Games Day. Massive confrontation between the FOUR gods legions ckeck there some pictures of his models certainly involved in this demonstration game.

    I created a campaign entirely inspired by Slaves to Darkness tome, the narrative is about a Slaanesh invasion in Khorne domain and those events happens in the Realm of Chaos, they're declined in 7 successive scenarios.

    The campaign can be played with any WHFB version, some non-mandatory specials rules are added to manage the ‘Eye of Gods’, Demons and wandering Chaos Monsters. A couple of fancy sceneries/terrains are required to play the scenarios but no excessive invest are required.

    I finally succumbed to the Slaves to Darkness layout with plenty of B&W illustrations and short descriptions text to provide an immersive experience and a common vision regarding the Realm of Chaos from old times .

    This document is also a good reason to highlight my Chaos collection models. So far, we played the 3 first scenarios with Laurent and the campaign should  end-up mid of July.  Some in game pictures  of both armies will be added to the document for sure!

    I also took the time to modeling some cool stuff such as the Ultra renowned banners from Ian Miller’s Chaos Glyph art works. I created a classy Khorne Altar with the famous Slambo armour on top of skulls pile. To finish an extra Khorne’s hound as domain keeper!

    Download the campaign !

    For Ian Miller and Chaos Gods glory!
    Don't mess with Chaos lads
    Khone's Molloch face to Slannesh deamons
    Greenstuff works