• jeudi 13 décembre 2018

    The Road Warrior : Mad Max 2

    Since many years, I wished to wargaming “the Road Warrior”, the best episode of the Mad Max Trilogy imo … So, the Gaslands Osprey rule is arrived in October in my wargaming club and everything happened so fast at that point. I will write up two articles about this project : First article dedicated to the movie and my modelling works on the vehicles. Second article concerning How to wargaming the final chase with the tanker, the scenario, the gaming board and the battle report. 
    Opening chase of the movie, when Max meet Wez!

    Why The Road Warrior movie is so great!?
    Filled with gripping, high-speed car chases and positively medieval weaponry, this movie forever changed post-apocalyptic films with its brutal vision of a sadistic and hopeless future. Like the custom 70’s muscles cars showed in this movie… the gritty, sadomasochistic “scrapyard leather chic” feel of the film was revolutionary at the time and has influenced almost every post-apocalypse film since.
    This second opus is at odds with the last episode. In Mad Max (1), amongst the highway chaos, we still got glimpses of ordinary people going about their ordinary lives. In Mad Max 2, the world has really ended. The time line advanced and the film show the world after the Third World War. A decadent world where the rules and the society disappeared.
    Max is the archetypal loner who wandering the wasteland, haunted by his tragic past and unable to see any possible future. He lives in the moment, his only concerns minute to minute survival and the search for supplies of gasoline to keep his ex-police Interceptor running. 

    The Lord Humungus rules the Wasteland!

    Modelling and painting the Road Warrior cars

    I converted some Hotwheels cars to obtain vehicles closely as possible to the movie cars. I accentuate the custom engine style to add a touch of Gaslands spirit.  I used mostly 40K bits, plasticard and green stuff. I was very absorbed during the custom process and I admit ended some modelling sessions at 02:00 am… Captivated by this modelling work, probably the most enjoyable hobby experience I lived since few years.
    Bikes come from the Citadel Dark future range. For the Gyrocopter, I converted a Trike from the Ramshackleminiatures range . On this website you can find many bits to convert your cars, particulary for the crewmen.
    The painting process start by the classic layering method and finish by the very important weathering effects. I Rusted, scratched and dusted the cars with pigments, glacis and blister foam stamp.
    1970-Ford-F-100 :

    Kawasaki F5 Z1000 & Yamaha XS 1100
    Humungus-truck Ford-F-100-Chassis
    The Gyrocopter
    Mack Truck -R600 - Series

    Seven Sisters Petroleum is the main oil supplier in the Mad Max movies, it was based off the real life group of oil companies that existed to the 1940s to the 1970s which comprised of BP, Gulf Oil, Chevron, Texaco, Shell, Exxon and Mobil.
    The war in the Middle East between Saudi Arabia and Iran left the oil fields ablaze which started the economical collapse due to lack of oil across the globe. 7 Sisters Petroleum was not able to fulfill their contracts with governments which cause major oil shortages and escalation of chaos and violence among the population across the world.

    The Truck back to the compound!
    Work in progress

    25 commentaires:

    1. Mais comment ça démonte complètement !

      1. Merci mec !! J'ai franchement pris trop de plaisir à realiser l'ensemble. Comme dit dans l'article... j'ai fini des sessions bricolage à 2h du matin sans m'en rendre compte tellement j'etais dans ma bulle �� le prochain article va etre sympa aussi.. ca sera sur le scenario reproduisant la scene finale avec le camion citerne qu' on a joué la semaine derniere.

    2. Holy shit almighty, this is amazing!!

      1. Thank you Rochie ... Mad Max 2 movie is so great :)

    3. Wow...

      You're just reminded me how supercool Mad Max movie was :D

      1. Thank you Demi! Supercool for a movie of the early 80's... Very inspirng :)

    4. Great looking photos from the movie. Amazing work on all the cars. Humongous' car got a LOT of work. I'm curious how you chose which car to start to work on for that one.

      1. In fact ... I was under pressure by the deadline of the game I purposed at my wargaming club. So I took this car at my local toyshop, not really the best choice at the moment but finaly with lot of imagination and greenstuff... I'm pretty proud of the result.

      2. The end result is fantastic and looks almost nothing like the original car. I think you are entirely correct to feel proud.

      3. Your comment is so cool Daved, thank you. This is exactly what I wanted as result.

    5. Tremendous work! Even the cars that are more generic, and not exact copies, look as if they could fit right into the MadMax world.

      1. Like Daveb, thank you for your nice comment... I'm glad to read that.. This was exactly my objective (^_^)

    6. GÉNIAL ! J'adore Mad Max, tu as fait un boulot fantastique. On peut te décerner le titre d'aigle de la route (même si c'est une référence au 1er 😉) !!!

      1. Je prends quand même :) D'ailleurs c'est marrant parce que dans la version original, il se nomme "The Night Rider". Dans le second épisode la traduction des paroles du Hérault d'Humungus sont également différentes... Bref les dialogues originaux sont mieux :) Merci pour ton commentaire :)

      2. Bon, je me programme un visionnage en VO :-)

    7. Using a Ramshackle bike as a gyrocopter is simply genius! Excellent work, and thank you for the inspiration.

      1. At the beginning of the project I planned to use the gyrocopter from the Thunder Road game (MB) but the scale doesn't math with Hotwheels cas. So, I pluckued up my courage and I build my own gyrocopter. I'm pretty proud 😄

    8. The level of research you go to with your projects is inspirational Nico. And it shows in the final product.

      All the toy car conversions are stellar man, top work!

      Side note, a family friend of ours was one of the bikie gang members in the second movie. He said they made his nice, clean, well maintained bike look like a heap of shit :D

      1. Thank you Mr Papafakis... This is so cool to know an actor/stuntman of this. I hope he finish safe. Because I read lot of things about the "making of" and lot of stuntmen finished at the hospital... Hard job but now they are in the legend.

    9. I have blog posts covering the two visits I've made to the Mad Max II Museum here in New South Wales. The museum has a pile of ephemera (which you can't photograph) as well as replica and original vehicles from the film.

      Visit 1 (2015) https://hordesofthethings.blogspot.com/2015/11/a-visit-to-the-mad-max-2-museum.html

      Visit 2 (2018) - https://hordesofthethings.blogspot.com/2018/09/return-to-mad-max-museum.html

      1. Thank you so much for your blog links, I will read them during my lunch breack (^_^) Crazy to see how this movie can still enjoying and generating activity.

    10. Wow! That is some fantastic work!


      1. Thank you Christopher! I was very inspired during this project, I admit :)

    11. Maybe you should watch a great movie here that really liked me https://xmovies8-hd.net/ I watched it recently on such a site, only positive emotions remained)

    12. The Road Warrior: Mad Max 2 is a thrilling ride, full of intense action and high stakes, much like the experience of using big puff disposables. Just as Mad Max takes on the harsh, post-apocalyptic world with power and precision, big puff disposables offer a simple, reliable solution for those who want a smooth, satisfying puff without the fuss. Both embody a sense of efficiency and enjoyment, whether you're racing through a high-octane chase or relaxing with a big puff disposable. It's all about getting the most out of the moment, no matter where the road takes you.
