After Two months
of modelling and painting works, I finally wargaming the last
scene of the Road Warrior movie. I worked hard on the project but you can
trust me, I find lot of satisfaction at every stage of the development.
It will be a crime to play
this game as the classic way, quickly or without before/after meeting moments.
So, I organised and planned early in the process a special “Road Warrior night
event” at my local wargame club to share and wargaming my passion for the movie.
I focused on Dead Line and I organised my time to paint the models, create the
gaming table, the scenario and prepared some training rules sessions with my
usual gaming friends.
To increase the immersion
in the Mad Max world and help my partners to reach my enthusiam for the movie.
I organised the viewing of the movie on huge screen at the club before the game.
Armschairs, sofas, beers, popcorn and pizzas… Difficult to do better for a
gaming introduction don’t you think?
Viewing the Road Warrior before wargaming it! What's better? |
I used the Gaslands rules to
running this game but the principal element of this scenario is the way to play
with the board of the table game. I was very inspirited by “Thunder Road (Le
Survivant)” games from the MB range of the 80’s. The table game consists of three pieces
(Boards) of highway and when the Truck exits the front piece of highway, the
back piece is placed in front (after dumping all the wrecks and slowpokes off
of it). By this simple way, you obtain an endless highway, essential to play a
chase in the wasteland.
The opposing forces are
built to be closer of the movie. The Tanker Truck have additional hull points,
a ram and some Molotov cocktails. The Gyrocopter drop lot of good things on the
opponent cars. And the Humungus Truck have several Nitro Boost. The Marauders crew
can jump on the Tanker to remove his Hull points. No more specials rules to facilitate the gameplay.
Last chase scene of the Road Warrior movie |
In game pictures
The gaming table |
Initial set up |
The chase begin! |
When the Truck exits the front board of highway, the back piece is placed in front |
The Gyrocopter and the Lone Wolf are reduce to wrecks, it's all on you Max! |
Humungus used his Nitro ammo to make a collision with the truck... Bad idea for him! |
The Tanker Truck fnally wiped out after many attacks of the Marauders! |
Afterwords :
That was an unforgettable
experience, due to the favourable context developed around the event. Painted
models, gaming table, easy rules and viewing the movie. All my gaming partners and me
(the first) loved every moments of the “Road Warrior night event”. We pushed the
wargaming experience over ours classic limits.
I planned to organised a "Road Warrior tour" to share the game with other friends. Maybe in you local wargaming club soon!
Some others “Wargaming night
events” will be organised in my club for sure this year. Plenty of movies themes can be raised
: Alien, Star wars, LotR, Starship Trooper, etc…
OMG ! Tout est énorme : l'idée de base, la réalisation des véhicules et de la table, le visionnage du film avant la partie, etc. Un pur truc de geek. Gros gros bravo pour le boulot.
RépondreSupprimerEffectivement le qualificatif "geek" est tres bien choisi (^_^) A+