This 2-4 players board game is set up on an hexa-map and supplied with metal miniatures. The background is fairly simple, in a far future each player represent a mining company on a planete full of ore. Players lead a detachment of vehicules and have to pick-up the maximum of ore in a certain time (21 to 25 turns)
The map is splited un various types of terrain as Plain, Mounts, Swamps and Sea. Function of the tide, the map change and reveal a new geography every turn. The Variety of vehicules is a big plus as well, indeed, you can activate Tanks, Heavy tanks, Crabs, Meteo Stations, Barges and ships. Each vehicule have is own specificities.The gameplay is based on a reserve of 15 actions you have to spend each turns to move, transform ore, transfert, fight, etc... No dice are rolled in this game. For a game count 45min for 2 players and 120min for 4 players. Full Metal planete was also edited by A
tari for Pc gaming in 1990.
Regarding the painting job, I mostly used Autumnal colors that I highlighted with bone beige. Each vehicules have a cavity to host a colored gem in order to differanciate each mining compagny. I swapped the supplied gems by bigger gems I formed with greenstuff. Model are supposed to be stacked during the game, so I recommand to protect them with thick varnish. I used a glossy one that I recovered with mat varnish from PA range to breack the shiny fx except for the gems.
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To protect your models : Thick glossy varnish and mat varnish |
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Expansion for base game |
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Ad from Old french wargame magazine |
They look great. I played the computer game but it never worked very well on my system (including monochrome monitor!). I can imagine it's be pretty fun as a board game with figs and real human players.
RépondreSupprimerHey Daved, I never played to the PC version even if I was equiped with an Amiga 500+ at this moment... As usual, the comparison with irl version have no sens cause haven't the same objective 😀😀 but both are legitimate. Thank you for comment, cheer 😀😀
SupprimerWhat you are presenting to us is a particular game, which I believe has never had an Italian version (at least R, a teenager at the time, had never heard of it). In our ignorance it immediately reminded us of Risiko: could it have been inspired by that game?
RépondreSupprimerHave you owned the board you photographed and the miniatures you painted since 1990? Has the paintjob just been done, or have you repainted miniatures you had already put your brush to decades ago?
Hey Rodor 😀! For sure French and German translation for boardgame and Uk for videogame.
RépondreSupprimerOtherwise, I bought this game in 2022 after dreamed on since I was teenager, painting job is ultra fresh. Just achieved an old objective 😀😀 Cheers
Superbe ! Le meilleur jeu de tous les temps. Comme je regrette de n'avoir pas acheté cette boîte quand elle est sortie...
RépondreSupprimerSalut Jaeckel 😀😀 Il y avait tous les mois une belle page de Pub Ludodélire/Full Metal Planete dans le Casus Belli mag... La belle époque 😀😀
SupprimerAh ! le jeu préféré de mon adolescence ! jamais réussi à le dégoter à prix raisonnable. Peinture bien en accord avec le thème, bravo ! Et le vernis, indispensable...
RépondreSupprimerMerci Monsieur 😀
SupprimerThank you suber, I know that German translation existing. UK language not sure. Otherwise in French you can find easily those rules on www.
RépondreSupprimerComme d'habitude, peinture de fou qui va parfaitement avec le jeu. Ca doit être génial d'y jouer comme ça.
RépondreSupprimerThey look fantastic! and Happy New Year!
RépondreSupprimerI love this game. I have the French Language version which I bought in San Francisco decades ago. This game has such a lovely Old School 70s sci fi feel...very Metal Hurlant. Your painting of the pieces is beautiful as always. Very cool post!