The most
economic and the fastest alternative to realize this monastery, it is to use the
card building of the Citadel Newspaper Spring 86. They are easily downloadable
on Web, advise, print the set of card board a second time in mode mirror, it’s
useful to dress walls inside the
building. I realized this building a few years ago and I find that the result
is honorable.
If you wish
something more detailed and if you have enough time, several other alternatives
offers to you. You can realize the building yourself as the pic from 3rd ed
rules book). Another option, you can buy a building in resin which looks like
in the monastery of La Maisontaal.
I chose
this last option which is the most expensive. I had to sell numerous chaps from
my lead pile to finance this purchase at Grand Manner. One It was necessary to
me to give an aspect in ruin to this building to integrate it into the
scenario, I also added a small dependence in ruin to in increase the general
aspect of destruction.

Next step... More troupe for the Lichemaster.
Damn Riolta who never dies !
RépondreSupprimerOf course !! She's an Elf :)
SupprimerGreat work!
RépondreSupprimerRecently I started painting oldschool Undead band (more middlehammer than oldhammer though) and started thinking about a building or two just to create better mood in the display cabinet.
The monastery is something I've been looking for.
Looking for Citadel newspaper pdf...
That's a good choice Demi, give me you adress mail and I send you the pdf !!
SupprimerExecellent terrain and miniatures (admire your painting style - especially like this cohesion in colors). Is any chance for this pdf with buildings? :)
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RépondreSupprimerGreat stuff Nico. How did you do the "Frugelhofen" lettering on the signpost held by the militia?
RépondreSupprimerHi Steeve :) Print on white sheet paper. I used Microsoft Excel ... font size 5 or 6.
SupprimerBye Nico
This monastery was a pleasure to play with, and the columns of smoke were great looking (although i'm not a huge fan of this kind of stuff usually). Damned elf indeed.
RépondreSupprimer++ Charles
HI Charles !!Yep the columns of Smoke are better with clump than the oldschool colored cotton wool...
Beautiful work all around, very inspiring
RépondreSupprimerHi 24!! Thank you to comment my messages regulary :)
RépondreSupprimerI discover your blog ... I am impressed !!!
I like your paintjob !!!
Thank you!! Glad to read somebody who enjoy my work :)
RépondreSupprimerWonderful realization of the scenario. You've got a Gim Grundel! Loved that figure back in the day.
RépondreSupprimerGim is really funny model, and he's so easy to paint :) Thank you Von Kurst for your comment!
RépondreSupprimerGreat Blog loving it !
A question for you.. i an the maker and Owner of the original monastery shown in WFB edition 3.
Would you be interested in acquiring it ?
Hi Wayne, thank you I'm glad you enjoy this blog :)
RépondreSupprimerConcerning the monastery, of course I dream to acquiring this collector Item from the past of the old and respectable GW :)
Send me an e-mail at manic57@msn.com
Hi Nico and Wayne, did the purchase/exchange ever happen? I have been hunting any more pictures of the board that appears in the 3rd ed rulebook as I am recreating it for a game in November. 😁