This small pic is a real obsession for me since many years... Thank to Steve Casey, he have the good idea to publish the Bryan Ansell collection and now we have close up of a part of this marvelous unit.
Oldhammer Day is the perfect excuse for me to realize my Chaos Knights project. No doubt, their best incarnations are the the 3rd edition range, three massive and aggressive steeds with pure Chaos armored Horsemen... They're for me the spirit of the 3rd ed Chaos army like the Champions of Jes Goodwin.
I dont want a unit of Four, five or eight mounted warriors, I when ten !! With my own interpretation of (d6-4)+(1d4 ) Chaos attributes. Horns, weapon tails, tentacles, heavy Chaos bardage, chains, rivets, trophies, add weapons, bags, scabbards, Flags, personal banner,... As you can see I make a lot conversion with green stuff. I used many others metal part like Chaos champions torso, Chaos chariot Driver torso, Fiend of Slaanesh tails, Unicorn head, etc…
Five weeks to paint this unit... Nice holidays works :) I hope meet a lot of people at Nottingham, Bye.
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Finished at 80 %, I am very satisfied by the result. |
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Rest : Bags, scabbards, shields and other mscellaneous. |
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I love this Champion of Slaanesh, but with a Chaos Star and a JG Rune, he's better :) |
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First colors test and bardages creations, the bones bardage is a tribute to Jes Goodwin and his bones armors. |
Astonishing green stuff work! Absolutely great!!
RépondreSupprimerEXCELLENT !
RépondreSupprimerThey are as chaotic as can be. Impossible to make them more evil than this seriously. I feel like looking at minis taken from the manga "berzerk" (for those who know it). I thought about Jes' bone armours looking at the picture just before reading your comment about it.
What you've added truly respects the vibe of these beauties.
All 4 thumbs up!
Thanks duds :)
RépondreSupprimerA lot of détails to paint... That what I love ;)
Terrible ces conversions, et parfaitement intégrées... le résultat final promet *bave* *bave*
RépondreSupprimerSalut Pandera !! Et merci beaucoup :) Je n'ai que cinq semaines pour tout boucler et ma seul crainte et d'aller trop vite!! Bref, c'est mon affaire :)
RépondreSupprimerJe ne savais pas que tu avais un blog !! C'est une bonne nouvelle car je suis assez admiratif de tes travaux!! Il faut que tu ouvres le module d'inscription pour les membres.
Ciao Nico.
uhh... we're up for some real good stuff here... Paint! Paint!! Can't wait to see this finished! :)
RépondreSupprimerOnly one possible answer!!
SupprimerPaint, paint, paint !!!
Excellent! Cant wait to see them finished! Keep up the good work!
RépondreSupprimerExcellent work, great looking Knights, you can feel the heaviness of the unit.
RépondreSupprimerVery nice conversion work, it will be great to see them all painted up.
Happy that you feel good with my chaotic spirit
SupprimerSalut Nico,
RépondreSupprimerExcellent, ce sont parmi mes figs préférées avec leur aspect massif, c'est du lourd au premier sens du terme !!
La conversion en plus, c'est ultime, j'espère que j'en verrais quelques uns sur le champ de bataille en août... :)
A+ et bon courage
C'est vraiment des figurines de fous, ultra chaotique :)
SupprimerJ'espère aussi que nous nous croiserons rapidement.
They are totally AWSOME! I'm hoping to bring along a unit of 5 cavalry myself, and I was originally intending to do the works in terms of mutations but I'm not going to have time. So it's fantastic that you are doing this and I can wait to see (fight?!) them on the field of combat.
RépondreSupprimerI hope you find the time to paint your cavalry. Mutations are not easy to make, with a "realistic aspect".
Fantastic work :) can't wait to see these all finished up
RépondreSupprimerMe too :) Thanks bye Nico
SupprimerThat looks amazing and very promising for a great paint job. Inspiring! Thx/Hans
RépondreSupprimerj'adore tes figs, superbe boulot de conversion. vu la qualité de tes autres figs, cela promet du lourd.vistenholder
RépondreSupprimerTout juste excellent!
RépondreSupprimerWhat else?!?
Un capuchino et l'addition siyouplait ;)
Excellent travail de conversion. Hate de voir la suite.
RépondreSupprimer1 Thib-o, 2 Thib-o, 3 Thib-o ... doudou !!
SupprimerDésolé pour ce mauvais jeu de mots :)
Mais merci pour ton commentaire.
A++ Nico.
Hi Nico,
RépondreSupprimerYou have so many nice comments, I will bring some critics ^^
I think the knights are not the best choices, personnal taste, especially the ones with spears.
I remember you have some with gladiators look which have more charisma !
Hi finarfin, and thanks for your critic.
RépondreSupprimerYou are right, All knights have not a very good style and that's why I add some champions footmen. But I have select horsemen I love, knights with lance have wonderful shoulders, and their lances augments height of the unit (Imagine the unit with banner and personnals banners). Paint have a great place in final result (Shields and Miscellaneous too.)
For steeds, I needed to modeling differents faces and finaly with 3 models of steeds I have 8 or 9 differents heads. I have actualy in this unit 3x3 models and a model with unicorn heads.
Thanks for your constructive critics :)
SUPER BOULOT respect !!! je suis assez difficile et la franchement tout ce que j'aime en plus tu as les 2 seuls figs nains du chaos qu'il me manque, tu te doute lesquelles :-)
RépondreSupprimerpass voir mon blog si t as le temps http://bood-war.blogspot.fr
Vu ton blog !!! Plein de belles choses. Par contre, tu ne peints pas tes conversions?
SupprimerJe me suis procurer une cinquantaine d’ancient figurine du chaos pour Nurgle et Tzeentch, mais c’est de trouver des anciennes figurines a prix resonable! Mais tes projects reste genial et motivant!