• samedi 16 mars 2013

    Battlefield from the past

    A beautiful gaming table with nicely painted armies on are the essential factors to have good time and attract new players.

    The current gaming tables (during conventions) are often very beautiful but do not tempt me to play, I don't know why but a little something is always missing.

    The table which gave me the desire to interest me to Warhammer, is the Player Guild table of the Games Day 1986, when I saw the pics of this gigantic battle in the magazine the Hérault Citadel ( Fr), it was the revelation for me.

    I dream from the day when I'll can spread all my miniatures over the same battlefield, an information for the fans... I am ready to move very far to live that experience...

    The famous Player's Guild Table Games Day 1986. I love the flying boat.
    How the can move units on this gigantic battlefield?

    Rocks around table are really immersif, Games Day 1986.
    Pete Talor's and his Daemonic Legions, Games Day 1989.

    Demonstration of Warhammer Battle Siege, Games Day 1989.
    WHFB 3rd ed Rules Book
    Other famous Player's Guild Table.
    White Dwarf


    6 commentaires:

    1. le genre de choses qui m'ont fait rêver longtemps quand j'ai commencé les jeux de figs
      j'ai toujours voulu me faire une table "old school", un projet qui verra peut être le jour...un jour...
      en tout cas, merci de faire partager ces images qui me plongent loin en arrière...à mes débuts dans la figurine (1991) qui furent certainement les meilleurs moments...et qui m'incite à "recollectionner" mes figs de l'époque :P

    2. It's really really beautiful and inspiring! Wonderful!

    3. Some fantastic memories there. Formidable!!

    4. Are you a lucky wargamer from this era?
      Have you participated to the Games Day 86?

    5. It was my figures and Monastery in the Rule
      Book colour pictures in the main.
      I also won Best Demonstration Game at Games Day'1983 ehen it was held in London.

      Oldhammer Rules !!!

    6. Hi Wayne, Always a pleasur to Chat with an Old School gamer, maybe you have some pictures of gaming moments from the 80's? Don't hesitate to share them with the community. You have a Blog or web site ?
