• samedi 18 mars 2023

    World Eaters : Khornate Legionnaires part one

    Hey boyz !! 3 months without updating… What’s going on there? It’s because the current project is rather long and posting too much WIP articles on the blog isn’t my cup of tea. So today, we are talking about a unit of 8 Gentlemen mounted on Juggernaut, also knew as the Khornate Legionnaires.

    That’s an uncommon unit for an Old school Khorne miniatures collection. I guess the main reason is because the avatar of the daemonic Steed of khorne is struck by a weird Hippo Chaos gift. Many incoherencies push this model very high in the crappiest old school miniatures charts.

    What’s wrong with this model? The first thing is the forequarter and its non-natural front legs position, which bring and unusual posture to the miniature. The second thing is that half of the purposed heads are shitty and most of them look down and increase the unusual posture. To finish, the global size of the model seems to be fairly small for a demonic steed.

    For all those reasons, I decided to take up the challenge and try to do my best to relook this hippo unit and transform it into a fearsome unit of Khornate monsters. And 8 Juggernauts on a wargame table is quite fancy 😊

    Juggernauts Heads

    This is the first big chunk of the project,  I kept 2 different heads from the initial set. I reoriented their gaze and remove the top armor as well. I fully recreate, the coolest armored head. I wished to add the khorne champion head from Jes Goodwin range. To finish, I created 2 new heads based on Bloodthirster models. After copied them in greenstuff, I splited-up both and filled empties spaces with greenstuff in order to obtain a larger version.
    Green = Cool, Orange = Rare and Red = Ugly

    Front legs position

    The main job there was to remove the front legs from the Juggs body. To help me in this task I used a Dremel, without this tool, wasn’t able to achieve the task. Once ended, I created two different legs position, in X shape. Now those beasts have a more natural front legs position. 

    Armor and details

    I designed different armor variations for the bodies and forequarters. And to garnish,, I added some standard details as Chainmail, chains, Khorne medals and icons. Also some Technologic thing as Bionic Eye or Hydraulic jaw. And a large amount of rivets 😊 2 pair of riders legs were missing so I created my owned version with a strong Renegade Marines inspiration.

    Next steps

    Now I’ll start to work on the side poles. Antic weapons, banners, icons, etc… 3 weeks of work, at least. lLet finish this long article with a bunch Juggernauts artworks from Slaves to Darkness. See you.

    18 commentaires:

    1. Waaaaaaooooowww cette claque !!!!! Ils sont sublimes Nico !!!! Bravo !

      1. Voilà enfin une réponse à ton unité de Légionnaires. Bientôt sur ta table :)

    2. This is the most awesome project I've seen in quite a while, and definitely the coolest Juggernauts ever!!

    3. Whoah j'avais hâte de voir où tu irais avec ça mais t'as fait pété les scores encore une fois! ça va être incroyable sur les tables... Bravo!!

      1. Un peu peur au début mais au final ça va 😀 A+ Charles

    4. Tout simplement génial! We remember how you had already intervened to improve a Juggenaut, but here we admire how you tackled a complex project head-on, which implies great sculpting skills, both in setting up the entire sculpture and in the details. Even the idea of ​​making the heads more massive and differently oriented gives a very different look to the mounts. You have now created a lot of anticipation, and we look forward to seeing further developments in your work.

      1. Thx Rodor, next step asap and after painting session 😀😀

    5. Quel boulot ! Incroyable de passer autant de temps si des figos aussi moches :) Mais le résultat est impressionnant. Bravo !

      1. Elles sont clairement vilaines mais y a moyen d'en faire quelque chose au final 😀

    6. Énorme Nico!Travail impressionnant de recherche et de sculptures, sur des figurines qui sont, au depart, quand même pas terrible.Vivement la peinture!

    7. Great work - you actually managed to make these awful figures looks really good whilst still being recognisable for what they are - amazing effort. One figure where old school definitely isn't best but you have worked a miracle.

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