Hi, quick message concerning the wargaming convention Crisis 2016 organised by the Tin Soldier of Antwerpen (TSA) Belgium. The annual theme is the battle of Hasting 1066 and this year the free miniature is the Queen Matilde.
The 2nd Hall |
Pacific WW2 |
Pike and Shot I think |
Freebooters |
WW2 Tanks Battle |
20mm Antique |
Congo |
Pike and Shot 28mm |
Darkland |
FrostGrave |
Briskars |
Ancients 20mm |
Foundry and Warmonger Miniatures |
Hard to resist to buy something with so much sellers :) I bought the new Campaign supplement for SAGA "L'ascension". This is the french translation of "The Age of Wolf" developped by Gripping Beast. The Studio Tomahawk have translated and improved the campaign systeme. This is a very smart systeme compared to the english book (sorry!), no need map but you can play with and easily usable to other wargames. Great Book!
I bought some animals miniatures (Magister Militun) and haystacks for my saxon farm. And I found 4 dismounted Norman Knights at the "Bring and Sell". I'm looking for the knight who draw his sword since many time... To finish, a close up of the Queen Matilde (William Conqueror wife) another good thing for my Norman army.
Jolies tables de jeu, je me laisserai peut-être tenté par Briskars un de ces jours...
RépondreSupprimerOui tu as raison, il y a beaucoup de monde qui me parle de ce jeu. Je ne connais pas la régle mais les figurines sont sympa. D'ailleurs le 3 mats à Crisis étais vraiment bien fait. Une belle pièce :)
RépondreSupprimerHi Nico - would you be able to translate the changes to the Saga campaign structure for me? Sounds really exciting! Your new Norman force is fantastic!
RépondreSupprimerHi Chris, I don't forgot my duty :) So, I just have no time to write a complet post on my blog.
SupprimerMaybe you can tell me some particulars inefficients rules from Age of Wolfs and I answer you by the translation of L' Ascension. I think it's easier for me.