To begin, you must know that I'm member in a club named Blitz57, this club is a refuge for many Bloodbowl fans of my home town (Metz). We organize a tournament every years and for the next edition I proposed to sculpt "something" by the way of a "goodies" provided for free to any inscriptions.

I found the original concept of the goodies in the web site, this smart base for Blood Bowl D8 is also a very useful scatter template. I remember the first time I seen it on the web, my first reaction were "Wow it's a great idea, I need one".
But my second reaction were "Hum, 6€ for one... probably the same price for
shipping cost... Ok, I will buy it later". Finaly, I never bought it but the concept stayed in my mind. The annual tournament is a perfect excuse for me to work on this concept and for my club partners.

I used two round bases (60 and 40mm) as core of the model, I added some details and sculpted the name of the club on the ball to make a rupture with the original concept.
I created the mould and cast the first model in resin this week. I quickly finish to paint it and yesterday I presented this first model painted to the tournament managers, they are very enthusiastic . The production is going to begin soon...
Tu ne te moques pas des membres de ton club, c'est carrément réussi :)
RépondreSupprimerJ'aurais quelques bricoles à te demander sinon, tu pourrais me filer ton mail? :)
Là c'est clair, ils ont bien "kiffé" :)
Neat concept and very nice sculpting on your own version. I could use one myself ;)
RépondreSupprimerThank you :) If you want I can send you a model? Contact me at
RépondreSupprimerBye Nico
Love it! The personalized club name is a nice touch. Your version is just that bit more cooler than the original concept.
RépondreSupprimerNice comment Otto.
RépondreSupprimerThank you.
Bye Nico.